“I hope they’re doing it because they love it, not because they want to be rich or famous. Not that those things can’t happen, but the main reason, the focus is, “This is what I want to do for the rest of my life and I love it.” Not to say that you don’t want to make money, but the passion should be driven by your love for that particular thing that you’re doing “
- Spike LEE
Commercial work
This is a campaign ad we shot for KojoforCongress for the 2020 Oklahoma election.
Campaign video for Kojo Asamoa-Caesar “The Time is Now”.
Promotional Ads
Here are 2 Ads we shot and directed for Tulsa Young Professionals.
Promotional Ad for grant scholarship.
Promotional ad for voting registration.
Creative Work
This a mini-documentary we shot for the Greenwood Arts Project, in May of 2021.
“Porches” A mini Documentary.
Music Videos
This is a medium budget music video we shot for Fire in Little Africa.
Music Video “ Elevator” for Fire in Little Africa.
This a is a full episode of City of Dreams we shot in 2019 .
Episode 1 of City of Dreams.